Top Five Scent Alternatives

Do you ever hate it when your room smells strange but you can not seem to find a candle anywhere? Or if you need to cover up a smell you do not want your parents to smell? Then you will love to read about the top five ways that you can make your room smell delicious without having to grab a lighter.

First things first, you should either jump on your computer or into your car so that you can get the materials needed to live a better smelling life.

Amazon is a great place to visit because of the plethora of scent alternatives that the website provides and delivers straight to your door. If you do not own a computer or smart phone, then your local grocery store or mall will have scent alternatives available to purchase.

“I would rather use scent alternatives than candles in my house because I have birds to fly around and children that could easily start a fire with a real candle,” said Michelle Jergens.

Wax Warmers

Wax Warmers provide the illusion that there is a candle in the room but is a safer choice than a real candle. You can benefit from wax warmers because you only turn on a switch to make the light heat up the wax and you do not have to worry about the smell of smoke from blowing out the candle. Wax warmers are available on any online store (Yankee Candle, Amazon, eBay, Bath and Body Works) or in any store for $20.00 or less.


Wallflowers help the room smell fresh and are easy to plug in and remove whenever desired. The Wallflower plugs into the wall while providing a dim light, however, this part of the device gives off zero scent until you add the base. You can find the wallflowers at Yankee Candle, Bath and Body Works, Amazon, etc. for less than $15.00.

These diffusers are easy to use because of only three steps it takes for these to make the room smell delicious. First, you have to fill the water up to the line. Second, you need to grab your favorite essential oil scent and only put four or five drops of it into the water. Finally, you plug in your diffuser and watch the vapor come out of the top. You can find essential oil diffusers at any grocery story, Bath and Body Works, Amazon, etc.

Essential Oil Diffusers

These diffusers are easy to use because of only three steps it takes for these to make the room smell delicious. First, you have to fill the water up to the line. Second, you need to grab your favorite essential oil scent and only put four or five drops of it into the water. Finally, you plug in your diffuser and watch the vapor come out of the top. You can find essential oil diffusers at any grocery story, Bath and Body Works, Amazon, etc.

Concentrated Room Spray

One or two sprays of this concentrated scent will make your room smelling great for more than 3 hours is a better choice than a candle. The only thing that you need to do is go to the store and purchase one…or five and remove the cap and spray in the room desired. This spray will cost you less than $10.00 for each of the spray bottles. Concentrated Room Sprays are available at basically any store you walk into, and it is even available at some gas stations.

Reed Diffusers

This is the perfect solution if a candle is not close by or if you are afraid that your cat will knock over your candle and burn down your house. A thick piece of glass wraps around tiny wood like sticks that soak up the scented oil that is in the glass which creates the room to smell delicious without a flame or a plug in needed. Yankee Candle, Target, or your local grocery store will have these on stock so that you can purchase it for less than $30.00 a set.

Interested in purchasing candle alternatives?

Yankee Candle provides an easy and friendly website to help you purchase your candle alternatives today! Bath and Body Works also provides an easy to use website to help your purchase your alternatives!
